Excel Tips:

Prior to viewing any of these tips you should download and peruse either the elementary or middle school scheduling template found at the "schedules" link. I used "Camstudio" to record these video screenshots. "Maximize" your browser for best viewing. Tips have been configured to open in Internet Explorer, Netscape, or Firefox. Comments or suggestions for new tips? Contact me.

Introduction Start Here: Introduction to Excel Tips

Tip #1: The Toolbar

Tip #2  Changing the Starting and Ending Times

Tip #3: Merging and Unmerging Cells

Tip #4: Copying, Cutting and Pasting Merged Cells

Tip #5: Formatting Merged Cells

Tip #6: Copying and Inserting Rows into the Template

Tip #7: Copying and Appending Rows to the Bottom of the Template

Tip #8:  Adjusting Row Height

Tip #9:  Creating the Encore Teachers’ Scheduling Template

More tips on the way!